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Email: cdorst

Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

Email: mollygardner

Assistant Professor

Dr. Charles Goldhaber
Email: cgoldhaber

Assistant Professor

Dr. Lyndal Grant
Email: l.grant

Assistant Instructional Professor

Dr. David Grant
Email: david.grant

Assistant Professor

Dr. John Palmber
Dr. John Palmer
Email: palmerj


Dr. Arina Pismeny
Dr. Arina Pismenny
Email: arinapismenny

Assistant Instructional Professor

Dr. Duncan Purves
Dr. Duncan Purves
Email: dpurves

Associate Professor

Dr. Greg Ray
Dr. Greg Ray
Email: gregray


Dr. Jon Rick
Dr. Jon Rick
Email: jrick

Assistant Instructional Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator

Dr. Jan Maximilian (‘Max’) Robitzsch
Email: jm.robitzsch

Assistant Professor

Dr. Amber Ross
Email: amber.ross

Assistant Professor

Nathan Rothschild
Dr. Nathan Rothschild
Email: njrothschild


Dr. Gene Witmer
Dr. Gene Witmer
Email: gwitmer

Associate Professor and Department Chair