Department Publications
- John Biro, “What Galileo Said.” Argumenta. December 18, 2021
Dr. John Biro argues against Davidson's paratactic account of indirect speech, as in the example, "Galileo said that the Earth moves."
- Chris Dorst, “There is no measurement problem for Humeans.” Noûs. October 14, 2021
Chris Dorst argues that the quantum measurement problem dissolves on a Humean conception of laws of nature.
- Stewart Duncan, “Locke, God, and Materialism.” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy. September 30, 2021
Stewart Duncan investigates Locke's views about materialism by comparing Locke's arguments with those of Descartes and Cudworth. These comparisons shed light on Locke's views about the causation of perfection and the nature of superaddition.
- James Simpson, “Getting a little closure for closure.” Synthese. August 23, 2021
Graduate student James Simpson surveys a variety of closure principles of epistemic justification before proposing a novel multi-premise closure principle that cannot be used in Cartesian skeptical arguments.
- Kelly Trogdon and D. Gene Witmer, “Full and Partial Grounding.” Journal of the American Philosophical Association. May 10, 2021
Kelly Trogdon and Gene Witmer argue for a definition of full grounding in terms of partial grounding, contrary to the current consensus in the literature.
- Arina Pismenny, “The Amorality of Romantic Love,” in R. Fedock, M. Kühler, and R. Rosenhagen (Eds.), Love, Justice, and Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge. (pp. 23-42) May 3, 2021
Dr. Arina Pismenny uses the model of emotional rationality to argue that romantic love is not essentially moral in nature.
- Rodrigo Borges, Introduction to the special issue ‘knowledge and justification: new perspectives,’ Synthese 198 (2021): 1473-80 April 30, 2021
Dr. Rodrigo Borges introduces a special issue of Synthese on "post-Gettier" approaches to knowledge and justification.