Department Publications
- Greg Ray, “A Return to Right Intention in the Just War.” Journal of Military Ethics. October 5, 2024
The criterion of right intention in just war theory has sometimes been thought to be an unnecessary requirement or that it cannot be spelled out in any satisfactory way. Using an action-theoretic analysis of the criterion, Greg Ray argues that such negative conclusions are unwarranted.
- Hunter Gentry and Cameron Buckner, “Transitional gradation and the distinction between episodic and semantic memory.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. September 17, 2024
Hunter Gentry and Cameron Buckner argue that we should replace the distinction between episodic and semantic memory with a more dynamic conception of the life cycle of memories that allows one to gradually shade into the other.
- Arina Pismenny, Gen Eickers, and Jesse Prinz, “Emotional Injustice.” Ergo. May 3, 2024
Arina Pismenny and her co-authors develop a taxonomy of emotional injustice: what occurs when the treatment of emotions is unjust, or emotions are used to treat people unjustly. They describe seven classes of emotional injustice, and explain why it is useful to distinguish them and also to subsume them under a single concept.
- Shadi Heidarifar, “From Gender Segregation to Epistemic Segregation: A Case Study of the School System in Iran.” Journal of Philosophy of Education. October 23, 2023
Shadi Heidarifar argues that there is a bidirectional relationship between gender-based social norms and gender-segregated education policies that excludes girls from knowledge production within the Iranian school system.
- Chris Dorst, “Does the Best System Need the Past Hypothesis?” Philosophy of Science. October 23, 2023
Chris Dorst argues that Pragmatic Humeanism undercuts the motivation for treating a low-entropy initial boundary condition of the universe (the "Past Hypothesis") as a law of nature.
- Arina Pismenny, “Pansexuality: A Closer Look at Sexual Orientation.” Philosophies. July 18, 2023
Arina Pismenny uses the example of pansexuality to argue that our sexual orientation categories ought to be revised for both epistemic and normative reasons.
- James Simpson, “Why Dreaming Worlds aren’t Nearby Possible Worlds.” Philosophical Quarterly. April 10, 2023
James Simpson argues that dreaming worlds are not nearby possible worlds, suggesting that such possibilities cannot be used as legitimate grounds for skepticism.