Currently Teaching
- PHI 3650: Moral Philosophy
- PHI 3681: Ethics, Data, and Technology
Office Hours (Spring)
- Wednesdays 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Areas of Specialization
- Ethics
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Email: mollygardner
Office: Griffin-Floyd 313
Current Projects
- "David Boonin on the Non-Identity Argument: Rejecting the Second Premise," Law, Ethics, and Philosophy, forthcoming
- "Artificial Intelligence in Black Mirror: Is Your Cookie You?" (with Robert Sloane) in Black Mirror and Philosophy, ed. David Kyle Johnson. Blackwell, forthcoming
Edited Volume
Articles and Essays
- "Introduction" (with Michael Weber) in The Ethics of Policing and Imprisonment, eds. Molly Gardner and Michael Weber. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. pp. 1–6.
- "The Interspecies Killing Problem," in The Moral Rights of Animals, eds. Mylan Engel, Jr. and Gary Comstock (Lexington Books, 2016. pp. 119–140.
- "Well-Being and the Non-Identity Problem," in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Well- Being, ed. Guy Fletcher. Routledge, 2015. pp. 429–38.
Reviews and Commentaries
Presentations and Commentaries
- "Is there a Non-Identity Problem in Different-Species Cases?" Workshop on the Non-Identity Problem, Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, February 2020
- "Is There an Egalitarian Reason to Promote Animal Well-Being?" Workshop on Utilitarian Approaches in Animal Ethics, Oxford University, September 2019
- "Doing Harm, Allowing Harm, and the Trolley Problem" Keynote address for the 26th University of Waterloo Annual Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Waterloo, Canada, March 2019.
- "Doing Harm, Allowing Harm, and the Trolley Problem," 93rd Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, July 2019
- Comments on Dan Haybron, "Excellence and Beauty," Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2019
- "Doing Harm, Allowing Harm, and Future Generations"
- Workshop: Do Deontological Distinctions Survive Future Generations? at the University of Southampton, U.K., September 2018
- Ohio Normativity Workshop, Ohio State University, September 2018
- "Animal Welfare, Harm, and Death," Workshop on Translational Bioethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 2018
- "Deontological Approaches to Animal Ethics," Workshop on Translational Bioethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 2018
- "Why the Numbers Don't Count, But the Reasons Do"
- Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2018
- DeCamp Bioethics Seminar, Princeton University, November 2017
- Research Seminar in Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University, August 2016
- Colloquium in the department of philosophy at Siena Heights University, April 2016
- Oxford Theoretical Population Ethics Conference, November 2015
- "Harming, Doing Harm, and Causation," Symposium on the Nature and Significance of Harm, American Philosophical Association - Pacific Division, March 2018.
- "Revisiting the Strength of the Reason Against Harming," Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Annual Conference, March 2018.
- Comments on John Symons, "On the Possibility of a Prudentially Valuable, Happy, but Meaningless Life," Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, August 2018
- "What's the Harm?" Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2017
- "Should Laboratory Animals Be Compensated for their Suffering?" Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March 2017
- "Doing Right by Future Generations," California State University Long Beach Applied Ethics Forum, March 2017
- Comments on Michael Bishop, "Studying Happiness: Closing the Philosophy-Psychology Gap," Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2017
- Comments on Patricia Marino, "Value Pluralism, Challenges to Consequentialism, and the Law and Economics Movement," Workshop on Methodology in Applied Ethics, February 2017
- "The Problem of Justified Harm"
- Workshop on Harm: The Concept and Its Relevance, Uppsala University, August 2016
- Syracuse Philosophy Annual Workshop and Network, July 2016
- Author Meets Critics Session on The Moral Rights of Animals, Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2016
- "Inconsequentiality and Climate Change," Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference XIX, April 2016
- Comments on Scott Forschler, "Two Mistaken Strategies of Deontology," Ohio Philosophical Association, 2016
- "Inconsequentiality and Climate Change," Workshop on Ethics and Adaptation, University at Buffalo, May 2015
- "Are There Some Environmental Losses for Which We Cannot Be Fully Compensated?," Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2015
- "Doing, Allowing, and Causation," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2015 (poster presentation)
- Comments on Joshua May, "The Death of Double Effect," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, 2015
- Comments on Stephen Campbell and Joseph Stramondo, "Disability, Well-Being, and the Complicated Question of Neutrality," Kansas Well-Being Workshop, 2015
- Comments on Alicia Hall, "Making Good Choices: Theories of Well-Being and Conflict between Autonomy and Beneficence," Midsouth Philosophy Conference 2015
- "Harm and the Non-Identity Problem"
- Visiting Professor Workshop, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, August 2014
- Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, July 2014
- "Doing, Allowing, and Causation," Bled Conference on Ethics, June 2014
- "Counterfactuals, Harm, and Selecting for Disability"
- Research Forum, Philosophy and Economics Program, University of Bayreuth, Germany (invited), June 2014
- Colloquium in the department of philosophy at University of South Carolina, Columbia (invited), November 2013
- "Headaches, Lives, and Value" (poster presentation), Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2014
- "Causes, Conditions, and Harming," North Carolina Philosophical Society, February 2014
- "The Case against Politicians" (with Justin Weinberg), South Carolina Society for Philosophy, February 2014
- Comments on Chris Heathwood, "Which Desires are Relevant to Well-Being?" Kansas Workshop on Well-Being, 2014
- Comments on Zac Cogley, "Fortifying the Self-Defense Justification of Punishment," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, 2014
- Comments on Thomas Bontly, "Causation, Harm, and the Non-Identity Problem," American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, 2014
- Comments on Aaron Wolf, "Reviving Concurrentism about Death," American Philosophical Association Central Division, 2014
- "On the Strength of the Reason against Harming", Visiting Professor Workshop, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, August 2013
- "On the Strength of the Reason against Harming," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2013
- "Value Monism and Incomparability"
- Midsouth Philosophy Conference, February 2013
- Joint Meeting of the South Carolina Society for Philosophy and the North Carolina Philosophical Society, February 2012
- Comments on Caleb Ontiveros, "Abortion, Other-Defense, and the Infantist," Online Undergraduate Ethics Conference, Coastal Carolina University, 2013
- Comments on Steven Weimer, "Toward a Flexible Historical Theory of Autonomy," Midsouth Philosophy Conference 2013
- "How to Count Value" (with Justin Weinberg), Bled Conference on Ethics, June 2012
- "Inevitability, Misfortune, and Personal Value," Iowa Philosophical Society, October 2012
- "The Comparative Account of Misfortune" (poster presentation), Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2012
- "Beneficence and Procreation," South Carolina Society for Philosophy, February 2012
- Comments on Duncan Purves, "The Non-Identity Problem and the Leveling-Down Objection," Illinois Philosophical Association, 2012
- Comments on Jason Hanna, "Doing, Allowing, and the Moral Relevance of the Past," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, 2012
- Comments on Christopher E. Franklin, "Event-Causal Libertarianism, Functional Reduction, and the Disappearing Agent Argument," APA Central Division, 2012
- "The Problem of Too Much Harm" (poster presentation), Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2011
- Comments on Robert Osborne, "Why Death is a Loss," Illinois Philosophical Association, 2011
- Comments on Hallie Liberto, "Moral Perpendiculars," Central States Philosophical Association, 2011
- Comments on Melinda Roberts, "Variabilism and the Asymmetry," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, 2011
- "Time Travelers Who Kill Their Younger Selves: They're Closer Than You Think," Central States Philosophical Association, September 2010
- "Situationism and Autonomy," Wisconsin Philosophical Association, April 2010
- Comments on Lori Gruen, "Ethics of Captivity," Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, 2010
- Comments on Robyn Gaier, "Hey, You, What's So Special About the Second Person Perspective?" Central States Philosophical Association, 2009
- Comments on John Brunero, "Consistency in Belief and Intention" Central States Philosophical Association 2008