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Dr. Robert D’Amico

Areas of Specialization
  • Contemporary Continental Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Social Science

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Email: rdamico

Dr. D'Amico (University of Buffalo) works in the areas of philosophy of social science and history of modern philosophy. His specific interests have lately been in reconstructing debates about philosophy of mind in the late 19th and early 20th century, the problem of law-like explanations for social phenomena, and criticisms of naturalized epistemology.


Selected Essays

Review Essays

  • On M. Haochen's Karl Popper in Journal of Modern History 76(1) March 2004, pp. 897-899.
  • "Holistic Republicanism" on two books by Philip Pettit in Telos 118, Winter 2000.
  • "Poverty of Cosmopolitanism" on Martha Nussbaum's For Love of Country in Telos 117, Fall 1999.