Currently Teaching
- PHI 6667: Seminar in Ethics
Office Hours (Spring)
- Tuesdays 2:00pm - 2:45pm
- Thursdays 2:00pm - 3:45pm
Areas of Specialization
- Ethics
- Political Philosophy
- Meaning in Life
- Philosophy of Religion
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
Email: davidmcpherson
Office: CSE E470
David McPherson is Professor of Philosophy in the Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education as well as Affiliate Professor in the Department of Philosophy. McPherson works in the areas of ethics (especially virtue ethics), political philosophy, meaning in life, and philosophy of religion. He is the author of The Virtues of Limits (Oxford University Press, 2022) and Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 2020), as well as the editor of Spirituality and the Good Life: Philosophical Approaches (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
See his official faculty page for more information.